
Monday, July 17, 2017

Corn and Tomato Dip Recipe

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was relaxing and we stayed home most of the weekend, so that was nice after being so busy lately.

Summer time is known for BBQ and get together's with friends. Along with swimming, fireworks, late nights, and just a good time! We get invited to a lot of parties and get together's throughout the summer and I always like to bring something to pass around or if I'm throwing the party I like to make enough snacks for everyone.

Monday, July 10, 2017

The Jaclyn Hill Palette by Morphe Review

Happy Monday everyone! I hope that you had a great weekend! We didn't do too much this weekend, which was fine with me. My husband worked both days so the boys and I just relaxed, did some cleaning and some playing.

Have you ever had your mind made up on a purchase weeks before it released? Ive done it with several things and the Jaclyn Hill Palette was no exception. I was sold once I heard about it. And wanted it even more once she released a picture of the colors. It looked so pretty and I loved the mix of colors she was incorporating in her palette.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Homemade Slime

My boys and I saw a commercial the other day for making homemade slime using Elmer's Glue. They thought it was so neat and wanted to make it. I decided we would go ahead and give it a try!

Monday, July 03, 2017

Beachbody on Demand Review: How it Works and What you Will Find

Happy Monday! The start of another week. I hope everyone had a great weekend and hopefully you don't have to go back to work until Wednesday and you get an extended holiday weekend! My husband picked up some extra shifts at work so unfortunately he is working today and tomorrow but we didn't really have anything planned anyways.

I'm sure you've heard of Beachbody, unless you live under a rock! Beachbody is a company that sells many different great workout programs along with Shakeology, apparel, performance line (pre workouts, protein shakes, etc.) and they assign you a Beachbody coach. That would be someone like me! I am on a journey to help others feel good about themselves through health and fitness just like it makes me feel great!