
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

21 Day Fix Results

Happy Tuesday! In honor of "Transformation Tuesday", I figured I would share my results from my first round of 21 Day Fix.

I actually finished the program 2 weeks ago and have been meaning to make this post since then. Sorry for the delay but I'm finally getting my butt in gear and starting back up on my blog. And what better way to start than a review of the 21 Day Fix?!

What is the 21 Day Fix?

It is a lifestyle change. You will do 30 minute workouts every day of the week, some cardio, some strength training, and some yoga to help stretch it all back out. You also will learn how to eat right to lose weight or maintain your current weight. The program includes portion control containers. There is one for fruits, veggies, proteins, carbs, healthy fats, dressings and peanut butters. It also comes with a month supply of a super food shake called Shakeology. This shake is full of healthy vitamins, keeps you full longer, curbs cravings, helps you loose weight and so much more. (stay tuned for a future post all about Shakeology!)

My Results

I had a few cheat meals throughout the 21 days but for the most part I stuck with the nutrition and did my workout every day. I now love working out and it has become a habit. I look forward to my workouts everyday.

At the end of my 3 weeks I lost 8 pounds and 10 inches. That's just after 3 weeks! I am so happy about my results and am continuing on this journey. Eating healthy and working out is so important in people able to get to a healthy weight and maintaining it.

I am not where I want to be yet but this was a great start to getting where I want to be. I am continuing with my 21 Day Fix journey! 

Have you thought about trying the 21 day fix or any other Beachbody workouts? Leave your email in the comments and I will reach out to you! 

Let's Be Friends

Epic Mommy Adventures
Linked up over at:  photo ThisMommasMeanderingMondays_zps5366bef9.jpg


  1. That is great results for only 3 weeks! I love reading about programs that work for people ;)

    1. Thank you! I am doing a 30 day program from Beachbody now that I'm getting some good results from too. Have you ever tried any Beachbody programs?

  2. Great job! That is great results! My GF has done a couple of body reset type program like that and always does well! Keep up those daily workouts and thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks so much! That's awesome, I love hearing about others success with programs like these :-)

  3. Congratulations on your weight loss, you look great!

  4. TWO WEEKS! I need to get on this program!

    1. It's a great program! Good jump start to living a healthier lifestyle. I'd love to give you some more information if you would like. You can either email me at or if you would like to leave your email I'll send you a message!

  5. Congrats on the weight loss! That's great for 3 weeks!
