
Monday, September 04, 2017

Shift Shop Review and Results


Have you heard of Shift Shop? It’s Beachbody’s newest workout program created by the companies newest trainer, Chris Downing. It is a 3 week (21 days) program focused on ramping up your fitness and intensity each week. 

The workouts start out at 25 minutes the first week and by week 3 they are 45 minutes long. One day you do a cardio based workout and the next day you do weights with a 12 minute core workout thrown in there 2 days a week. Sunday’s are rest days, and you will need them! 

The nutrition plan for this program is very similar to the 21 Day Fix, only it is stricter on what you can and can’t eat. It follows the portion control cups but each week you cut our a carb and add in more vegetables and proteins. 


I completed the program at the end of beginning of August, right before my husband and I had a little vacation to the beach. I reached my pre-pregnancy weight ( my baby was born June 2016) when I was 1 month post-partum, after completing 1 round of Core De Force. Shift Shop was just what I needed to keep losing weight and to start toning up.

I really enjoyed the workouts. They go tougher each week, but that was the point. I did like the strength workouts better then the cardio ones but I have never been the biggest cardio fan. But all of the workouts flew by! Before I knew it I was done with my workout for the day and feeling great!

The nutrition was my biggest struggle mainly because I love my carbs and by week 3 I wasn’t allowed any. I pushed through and completed this program 100%. 

My favorite part of Shift Shop? My mindset changed. Chris Downing, the trainer, has a way with words. He motivated me to keep going and that I could do this! I stopped craving sweets, and I realized that I could eat on point for 3 weeks and it wasn’t going to hurt me. It’s been a month since I finished the program and I still don’t have the sweet cravings that I used to have and I’m so glad I don’t! That was something I always struggled with.

I Would 100% recommend this program to anyone. It changed my mindset, my body, and my lifestyle. This program is for beginners and advanced fitness fanatics. There is a modifier with each move to help you out. 


Over the 21 days, I lost 7 pounds and 8 inches. My obliques started showing and I’ve never seen those before. My legs are smaller, my love handles shrank, and my core feels stronger. 

I am on round 2 of this program and I hope to continue getting stronger and losing several more pounds. 

My mind set changed so much during this program. I realized that I can stick to the eating and instead of craving the bad foods my body started craving the good foods. I felt better mentally and physically. My moods improved, my headaches stopped happening and I just felt healthy. 

The biggest change was seeing my body change like it did in just 3 weeks. What a great motivation!

Interested in trying Shift Shop? I run monthly accountability groups with my team and would love to help you reach your health and fitness goals! Comment below or email me at and we can chat more about this! 

Thank you for reading!



  1. Wow - what incredible results. I so need to tone up but I just can't find the time to squeeze in a workout. I need to manage my time better! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  2. Thanks so much! I'd love to help you find the time to fit in a workout! If you're interested in email me at . My job is an online health and fitness coach so I help others achieve their goals!
